
Epidural in emergency caesarean is good for the baby

General Anesthesia Increases Adverse Outcomes in Urgent Cesarean Delivery CME

News Author: Ricki Lewis, PhD
CME Author: Laurie Barclay, MD
CME Released: 07/05/2012; Valid for credit through 07/05/2013

GA: General Anesthesia
RA: Regional Anesthesia

Babies exposed to GA during urgent delivery by cesarean delivery are more likely to experience adverse outcomes than those exposed only to RA, according to a study published online June 8 in the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology.

Past studies have indicated that RA is safer for the mother than GA, but anesthesiologists must consider the benefit of GA in shortening labor, the authors write. This study indicates that RA is associated with better outcomes for the neonate, and therefore may be less risky than GA for this reason.

From Medscape Medical News